Saturday, December 22, 2007

put in Bush's name in place of the character in the book,

"With an Idea comes a Revolution"
"There is more than flesh behind this mask, there is an ideal and ideals are bullet proof"

I am tired of people saying they can't do anything, I am tired that people say "oh you can listen on me, I have nothing to hide" That isn't the point, the point is they shouldn't do it without reason, we are free country, with laws, and they are breaking the law, and will keep taking away more and more of our freedoms until it is like "V" we will be told what to watch, when to watch it, and how to watch, what to read and how to read it, OH wait we are already doing that "No Child left behind" doesn't allow to teach art, teach Civics.

how sad are they and us, we are letting this happen, wait what is that? oh that sound is our forefathers spinning in their graves.

I wish you well, and those in the red states of this nation, singing the blues makes people listen.

Friday, December 21, 2007

something a bit different

for a like of better terms, Liberal women are HOT!

Monday, December 17, 2007

a few bits of good news

It's Monday, and for once I have some good news out of the senator. In a end run to the hold that Chris Dodd placed on fisa bill that give telecomm retroactive protection, however it was the brave stand and the show of true leadership of Chris Dodd that won that battle. I am proud to be liberal at that moment. thank you Chris Dodd.

Friday, December 14, 2007

F$#k%*g waterbroad me PLEASE!

I have a question, I did I vote the Dems into lube, bush before he fucked me in my ass? Thanks, that is what I wanted, I know before there was no lube.
NO! you truly are the party of jackasses; last I checked Dubba, is still in the upper 20's in approval, and you know why you are in the tens because YOU ARE CAVING, god almightly I would rather be waterbroaded that go through this week of torture again.
The spending bill, ok you decide to give Bush the money he wanted for his war in the sand, and but with spending money for social programs and Bush says "no just the war money please" and you get on your knees and suck his dick saying "mmm mmm mm" meaning yes sir.
Then the Energy bill comes up, with REAL change, taking away oil tax breaks, cafe standards up and 15% of all energy to be clean, without Nuke plants, and Bush says "no" and you get on your knees AGAIN!
and then today, Friday 12/14 Harry Reid ex-marine (I know you should say there is no such thing as ex marine, once a devil dog always a devil dog, yah have you seen sen. Reid lately) has a choice, either bring in a Fisa bill that does not give the Tele-com companies a free pass for BREAKING THE LAW, or one that does, and Sen Reid makes them drop to their knees FOR A THIRD TIME! in a week. I am so tired, SO fucking tired of this shit.

I wish you well, and those in the red states of this nation, singing the blues makes people listen.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Where to Begin?

the GOP wants to have a "team B" come in and look at the info for the NIE and make sure it's "ok" so let me get this right the NIE which was flawed (which is an understatement) in 2002 about Iraq was ok, you know that one, where the info was cooked and the next thing we know we are in a war, in 2005 where it was all like "Iran bad, bush smart rahh" was out, no on questioned it, but now it is saying that isn't needed and you are like "oh this bad, it's very bad" I have two works FUCK YOU!

secondly, the dems are going to give up their major strength, and your real only way to stop Bush, the budget, and what do you do, cave in, the the senate can not get past the morons with 60/40 then make then stay up all night and all day and all night and day again, until they either cave or the bill is dead, but you let the american people see what they are doing, keep doing it. 57 bills have died without a cry out, it's time to make them cry, and whine and show the american people what kind of crowds the GOP in the senate are. I, for one, am personal tired of the GOP sentors to get off with a pass and then call a press congress and call you a do nothing congress, maybe if make a show every time they try this you may embrace them so much and so badly that they will give in to the fact that 53 or 57 or 51 is the right of the senate to pass a bill, you didn't play that game for years when you were in the minority don't let them.

in a bit of good news the senate has went a head and put contempt charges against Karl Rove, how does the turd bloom look in day glow orange, we may see.

I wish you well, and those in the red states of this nation, singing the blues makes people listen.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Red States Blue Endroses

John Edwards for the 08 president of the USA

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

are we now a fascist country?

"The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger...It works the same way in any country." Hermann Goering

what is a fascist country? it's government that favors the corporation and not the individual.

whom doesn't see that in this country now? because I wish to borrow your glasses for a while, I need some blissful dumbassness for a while. Otherwise for us that see the world as it is, in the really real world, I have found that people have keep losing more and more rights, yet the companies, big business, they get the tax cuts, they get the rights to not be held to the law of the land, any lands, raping, killing and stealing the amercian people blind and the world blind, it is said that we have used that word so much that normal common not in tune people have tuned it out.

I want you to keep this in mind as you look at the 08 election, how those that stand up against big business gets so little are time on the air. because they don't want lose all the money they made, and have to pay their fair share. we common people are taxed out, gased out, and lied to. as the big companies, moves off shores we are left in us of the slums, all the us is becoming slums because of these fascist. now what do we do about it
start taxing big business again, tirfts and take a way big tax breaks for big business and maybe we can turn this around and make our life better again, but someone has to be brave enough to stand up and do it no matter the costs. and I don't think there is anyone that brave that is in office right now... maybe soon or it may be too late

I wish you well, and those in the red states of this nation, singing the blues makes people listen.

Sunday, December 9, 2007


Yesterday, marked the day that John was gunned down in the street, as you listen to this song, I am wanting you to think of just a peaceful day you had not to long ago, when you didn't have the world crashing down around you, and then imagine everyone in the world have that same day... and hope we can all have that day together at the same time.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Just so you know

Tuesday, Feb. 5Over twenty states have scheduled their contests for February 5, the earliest date allowed by the party without special exception.
and NC is one of them, go here to see your states. and thanks to NYTimes

Thursday, December 6, 2007

NIE and Bush not knowing huh

So the NIE (National Intelligent Estimate) says Iran stopped their working on Nukes back in the fall of 2003. well now we can... what this report was put on ice a year ago? That someone in the world again pushed this out with a complete ok by the Bush white because maybe THEY THOUGHT BOMBING IRAN was BONEHEADED!!! but wait, wait wait there is more, and people wonder why I always seem like my head is about to explode. Bush said he wasn't told about this until last week... mmmm WHAT?!?! aren't you the leader of the free world (I personally thought that was being a bit big for ourselves but whatever) and this was ready since last year, and they told you on thursday of last week or something like that, so for days and weeks you were coming out here and people in your, the deciders white house was mocking you? I know you aren't all that worried about what think about what people think about you, I mean 28% approval rate for months? I just can't believe that either. Now you said they came in Aug saying they had some info but didn't tell you. mmm WHAT?!?! I mean if someone came to me and said "hey I have info about Iran, you know that country that is part of the AXIS of EVIL, you know the one your VP wants to Bomb to the stone age?" I would be, Great lets get people in here, I will order the chinese and will talk. but not you Dubba, we got better things to do? and it does seem Aug is a bad time to bring up info to you that COULD SAVE LIVES! 9-11, Katrina, THIS... New rule, don't tell Dubba anything in Aug, but do tell the people of the USA.

I wish you well, and those in the red states of this nation, singing the blues makes people listen.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

DHS and cutting finds?

another leaked e-mail, motto, or speech, whatever is leaked this week from the white house states that Dubba wants to cut DHS (you know Dept of Homeland Securty) you know they a suppose protect our airports, our trains, our ports, they are the big dept, that controls FEMA, you know those that SHOULD help us after we got hit by wildfires, floods, blah blah blah... in HALF people HALF, what does that mean, what should we think about this, that the "War On Terror" was a joke? well lets look this way, Five years ago, President Bush signed legislation creating the Department of Homeland Security. Over the past five years, the American people have become far too familiar with stories about DHS and its gross overruns on projects, the worst employee morale in the federal government, the inoperability of information technology, our exposure to cyber-terrorism or FEMA’s fake press conference. Today, CREW is releasing a report, Homeland Security for Sale - DHS: Five Years of Mismanagement, detailing massive failures and billions wasted at the Department of Homeland Security.

so they are saying that the people shouldn't worry, that just because we have blown billions of dollars that should have went to protecting the homeland, and give it up a rich CEO buddies, you should worry. again, another and another and another point that we are no long in a government that is for the people, of the people, by the people.

my problem in all this is those 28ers, that keep voting for these jokers, why... they don't vote for their needs, they vote out of fear, maybe seeing that the "fear" that they gave was a joke to make themselves money. maybe they should look at their needs and get out their fears.

I wish you well, and those in the red states of this nation, singing the blues makes people listen.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

ok kids

I have alot to cover so lets dive right in;

Karl Rove, I am not a dumbass; Jackass. 72% of the nation is not dumbasses, Jackass. I happen not forget things, I may have ADHD however I do remember who the F@#K was pushing for the war and how they were doing it. How both 9-11 and Iraq was used by you and your group of GOP hit jobbers. so you are now, saying, thought Andy Card, the white house and anyone with a brain says you are talking out your fat ass, turd blossom. Do you miss the love that Bush and Cheney gave you, do you miss the fact that you wouldn't ever have gone to Jail as long as you were in the white house. Does Day Glow orange scare you, it should, OH it should.

So Iran had stopped working on a nuke 4 years ago, and you knew that a year ago. WHY do you push it? there is a saying, and I won't mess it up Bush, the straw that broke the camels back. well if you keep it up you will force even the Speaker to put Empeachement BACK on the table. (which I don't think anyone should have taken off the table) So keep that up, and you can join Rove, in Day Glow Orange;

oh dear god it's too much info and too much sadness, and too much crap to glance over so I will cover later.

STOP worrying about Britney and about what TomKat is doing. STOP IT! they will not change the world, Bush, Cheney, Edwards, ect WILL!