Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy ThanksGiving

As we gather hand in and hand in,
Heart to heart
on this day when we run and run
to make make the perfect food,
as we deal with people that
we would cross the street to avoid
if it wasn't for that word "family"
we watch macy's
we watch the football
we take naps
we dream of snacks
but I ask on thing
as the wind blows
the leaves around on the ground
and you take a moment
step or look out side the window
and think
if you can read this, you are a lucky person
and what you should be thankful for
so take that second
and understand
we have alot to be thankful for
you, my friends I am thankful for,
my family, a job, and place to sleep at night
that is warm and out of the rain
and music, and hope...
so put a little love in your heart
and a bit of thanks in your soul.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Three weeks ago, USA Today, you know that big full all paper with the 4 parts, and brightly colored, (or is that coloured) anyways, posted a job, it's not there but for three weeks, there as a posting for a report to go and be the head of the Iraq Newroom. and it got me thinking, part of the reason that I am just so pissed off all the time about the news, is the fact that the MSM (Main stream Media) is not asking the hard questions, that they aren't willing to be the 4th estate, the one that tell you when everyone elses eyes are some place else, what is really going on. I have to get news about the US from BBC or other please outside the USA. (and I know completely that they have their own slant on how they view the US) Maybe that is the bloggers in the world has become the new news, they are the ones that are willing to ask those questions that none of the MSM is willing.
Ok, not none, there are those that are willing to do it, Keith Olbermann, Helen Thomas, Jack Cafferty, Dan Rather but those people are a few, when you hear the talking heads going nuts of a FUCKING tip? a 400 dollar hair cut, spraying the dog down on the roof of the car because it got sick. (ok that one bothered me a bit, you know what, in the GRAND showing it doesn't mean as much as people made it out to be) look you want to know how you report, you ask the president why he feels he only cares about people when they are unborn and when the are dying for his ego, if they are children, or after they are broken by his war of oil (and don't think this or Iran isn't about the oil fields) why don't you care about the Vets. (and I was wrong in an earlier Blog, it isn't one in four vets are homeless it's one out of four homeless person are vets) no real changes has went into the VA system, and Groups like IAVA have been yelling from the mountain tops about this. Yet the MSM wants to talk about Britney ran a red light... I don't give a fuck if she was sucking the cock of a police man with her kids in the car. she isn't IMPORTANT, report the news, and if I want Fluff I will watch entertainment tonight, or Tucker. I want to know why you can't show me shit blowing up in bagdad because the DOD says you can't... Fuck them, you report the news, and you are protected by the Bill rights to tell me what the hell is going on. Can't show pictures of the coffins coming off the planes because it would make American finally get the feel of loss this damn war has causes, TOUGH... Do it anyways, it's your JOB and fucking do it, or you will be just a out of date a tube TV's, VCRs, and Tandy 1000s.

I wish you well, and those in the red states of this nation, singing the blues makes people listen.

Monday, November 12, 2007

what the hell this time

Who said this boys and girls?

"So it is the policy of the United States to seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world. "

if you Guess some great American like Bill Clinton, John Edwards, John Kennedy, ect, you would be dead wrong, it was our current boob, I mean president of the USA, George "I even I don't believe what I say" Bush when we was sworn in the second time.

Our (when I say our I mean Bush's) latest BFF to turn his back on those goals, General Musharraf as put his nation under the rule of law, HIS law, he has told the courts to go and fuck off, he has told the others that would be able to run against him, "campain sure but in your house" look this is the first time it was a complete lie and thought Bush isn't first dunderhead to have done that, his maybe the most costly against the US, Haams, the contras, and Iran in '79 didn't have big boom sticks, now Pakistan, oh they have the FUCKING BOMB jackasses, you don't play around with governments when they have things that can turn the southeast of the US into blackened chicken, (that glows in the dark). Of course I will be foolish to think they would try and bomb us if they could, I don't think they have that kind of system, but I am sure India is sweating curry, but I want you think this way... where is Bin Liden? RIGHT! Pakistan, where is most of Al Quida? RIGHT AGAIN! Pakistan, dirty bomb could be VERY real in 3 to 5 years. and trust me I don't want to be NYC, LA, or Chitown. our nation is ready for that, (thought the DHS says they would be, but really skelotor? you are a bush appointee, and I believe you?) no we aren't and we all know that... *points to New Orleans and San Digeo* jesus people can you see that they are setting us up for years of pain and death because they are too blind to the truth in the world. just something more to think about

I wish you well, and those in the red states of this nation, singing the blues makes people listen.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, and lack of leadership in Jackass party

Ron paul just got this HUGE push, and Kucinich why.. because we are losing hope in the MSM/press and in those that they want us to vote for. if I needed a nut job or someone that doesn't give a straight answer I would vote for sue myric, or Dole, what I am saying is answer a question Obama, Clinton, Mitt. even if it's wrong, you know the nation is wanting answers not a tap downs, and I know brown su... I mean connie loves to tap dance, doesn't mean the rest of the government should join her and bush as they are tripping the light fanstisic.


Saturday, November 10, 2007

I am mad about this one

look I am not A Vet or soilder, I try my best not to get in finer points of something I don't know much about. Yet as I read more and more how 1 in 4 vets from the iraq/afgain wars, are now homeless. How so the mental and emotional issues are much worst then they first thought, and how are brave men and women have to jump through hoops, dance a jig and then MAYBE get help from the VA system, makes me SICK.

Look Bush already said "I don't care about kids, they can go to an ER if they are hurt or sick." Now he is saying "well you did your job in the sand, nice job, thanks, here is a new metal, now go way kid you bother me, HELP?! please you aren't useful to me anymore"

Have you ever been near blown to kingdom come on a daily basis? I haven't either, but I am sure that would FUCK ME UP!, no wonder these guys are coming back broken. when you ask someone (mean age is 24.2 years) go kill someone, and to do it over and over again. when you don't know when a child is a friend or has a bomb ready to kill you and your buddies. When the woman that looks to have a baby could be holding a bomb instead, then well, my nerves would be worst than shot. Then to not give them all the care they need, all the care the family needs, to make it through is just down right wrong. I, for one, is sick and tired of War Chicken Hawks going around shouting for more war, and then throws our soilders away when they are done with them, should be waterboarded and then thrown into a room that is freezing. But then again they may learn that my be torture.

I wish you well, and those in the red states of this nation, singing the blues makes people listen.

Friday, November 9, 2007

A start

I am going to start "Red State Blues" again for two reasons;

one no matter what happens either to me, or the fact that I am just talking to myself, I have to believe that someone will find some hope, or anger to make them stand up and fight a bit longer, to believe we as just "common" people CAN change things, we can be something this nation and the people that started this nation believed, that we are the people that should make the choices on where this nation should move, and we have stumbles more than once, only to come out of this light much much brighter.

and Secondly I have to believe, more than anything else, I have to believe that by writing this, I find my own joy in what I believe in, that I do believe in taking care of my follow man, in peace and in what this nation has been and could be. we are the best we can be because at one time, we believed what we said. Stalin couldn't tell us how to run our press when he had the USSR press under his thumb, we now sadly can not tell a nation not to torture, when we ourselves torture, and don't be fooled waterboarding, stress points, cold rooms, is... has been and will always been...

My hope with this blog is a) show you a few stories I am following b) some blogs that make me stand up and know there are others that are mad, or hurt or believe as much as I do, c) video clips of things you should see, d) have a little fun, and e) give myself a place to fall back rant and rave and find you anger and your rage,

I leave you with something, tonight Keith (the god) Olbermann gave another one his hell fire shot at bush Special Comment on torture but I wanted to leave you with a comment from it. (besides it's amazing as always)

From its beginning as the most neglectful protection ever of the lives and safety of the American people ... into the most efficient and cynical exploitation of tragedy for political gain in this country's history ... and, then, to the giddying prospect that you could do what the military fanatics did in Japan in the 1930s and remake a nation into a fascist state so efficient and so self-sustaining that the fascism would be nearly invisible.

But at last this frightful plan is ending with an unexpected crash, the shocking reality that no matter how thoroughly you might try to extinguish them, Mr. Bush, how thoroughly you tried to brand disagreement as disloyalty, Mr. Bush, there are still people like Daniel Levin who believe in the United States of America as true freedom, where we are better, not because of schemes and wars, but because of dreams and morals.

And ultimately these men, these patriots, will defeat you and they will return this country to its righteous standards, and to its rightful owners, the people.

I wish you well, and those in the red states of this nation, singing the blues makes people listen.