Friday, November 9, 2007

A start

I am going to start "Red State Blues" again for two reasons;

one no matter what happens either to me, or the fact that I am just talking to myself, I have to believe that someone will find some hope, or anger to make them stand up and fight a bit longer, to believe we as just "common" people CAN change things, we can be something this nation and the people that started this nation believed, that we are the people that should make the choices on where this nation should move, and we have stumbles more than once, only to come out of this light much much brighter.

and Secondly I have to believe, more than anything else, I have to believe that by writing this, I find my own joy in what I believe in, that I do believe in taking care of my follow man, in peace and in what this nation has been and could be. we are the best we can be because at one time, we believed what we said. Stalin couldn't tell us how to run our press when he had the USSR press under his thumb, we now sadly can not tell a nation not to torture, when we ourselves torture, and don't be fooled waterboarding, stress points, cold rooms, is... has been and will always been...

My hope with this blog is a) show you a few stories I am following b) some blogs that make me stand up and know there are others that are mad, or hurt or believe as much as I do, c) video clips of things you should see, d) have a little fun, and e) give myself a place to fall back rant and rave and find you anger and your rage,

I leave you with something, tonight Keith (the god) Olbermann gave another one his hell fire shot at bush Special Comment on torture but I wanted to leave you with a comment from it. (besides it's amazing as always)

From its beginning as the most neglectful protection ever of the lives and safety of the American people ... into the most efficient and cynical exploitation of tragedy for political gain in this country's history ... and, then, to the giddying prospect that you could do what the military fanatics did in Japan in the 1930s and remake a nation into a fascist state so efficient and so self-sustaining that the fascism would be nearly invisible.

But at last this frightful plan is ending with an unexpected crash, the shocking reality that no matter how thoroughly you might try to extinguish them, Mr. Bush, how thoroughly you tried to brand disagreement as disloyalty, Mr. Bush, there are still people like Daniel Levin who believe in the United States of America as true freedom, where we are better, not because of schemes and wars, but because of dreams and morals.

And ultimately these men, these patriots, will defeat you and they will return this country to its righteous standards, and to its rightful owners, the people.

I wish you well, and those in the red states of this nation, singing the blues makes people listen.

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