Ok my thoughts about this will be long and in alot of parts. I hope the fans here at Red States Blues will forgive me.
I feel that in this nations history this election this year is one of the most important. We have had dark times in the past, and we are in one of those again, I hope that the MSM and now even the netroots doesn't complete screw this up.
Normally I don't talk about the GOP side of things however think I should cover alot of things about it
McCain: if you had asked me 8 years ago if I would have voted for McCain, I would have said yes, but over the last 8 years, under the thumb and pain of Bush, he has changed twisted moved more to the right, and makes less since, he buckled under about us keeping POW (and if we are in a war against terror those in Gitmo are POW and you can't tell me other wise) as something other than POW's and there for treat them as dogs not humans, no no we treat dogs better unless your michael vick. Buckling under for that cause shows me he is less of a "stand up guy" then he claims and I am sorry to see that.
Mitt: two words Flip Flop, the man has more views on one question than start of a Chess game.
Rudy: look a mayor of the largest city in USA yes, but screwed up the protect of the city, Firefighters that were under him HATE HIM. NYC was turned into a police state to lower crime (it worked and now that it's slacked off is still working) but really 9-11 can not NOT be your platform. and if you think he isn't using that as his only ONLY platform, when asked was he worried about the big lose in Iowa he said "No that doesn't worry me, now 9-11 that worried me" ok... that answers all my questions NEXT!
Huckabee: WHOA where to start with him... there is SO much wrong there, like he doesn't seem to read the paper or watch the news, (that bothers me wait don't we have a brain dead already) he but for the fact that he is talking more about helping out the middle class too much of bush for me to look much deeper than that.
Paul; oh sweet uncle Ron, lets me fair, he doesn't have a prayer, however he does have something that has move the talk, that the GOP of today is not the goldwater/miller GOP, not sticking our nose in the world, keeping our people above water smaller government and less spending (though I didn't agree with Ron Paul, him saying these things need to be heard.)
well that is my thoughts, I didn't talk about Thomspon because he is a Joke really...
take it or leave it.
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