Tuesday, December 11, 2007

are we now a fascist country?

"The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger...It works the same way in any country." Hermann Goering

what is a fascist country? it's government that favors the corporation and not the individual.

whom doesn't see that in this country now? because I wish to borrow your glasses for a while, I need some blissful dumbassness for a while. Otherwise for us that see the world as it is, in the really real world, I have found that people have keep losing more and more rights, yet the companies, big business, they get the tax cuts, they get the rights to not be held to the law of the land, any lands, raping, killing and stealing the amercian people blind and the world blind, it is said that we have used that word so much that normal common not in tune people have tuned it out.

I want you to keep this in mind as you look at the 08 election, how those that stand up against big business gets so little are time on the air. because they don't want lose all the money they made, and have to pay their fair share. we common people are taxed out, gased out, and lied to. as the big companies, moves off shores we are left in us of the slums, all the us is becoming slums because of these fascist. now what do we do about it
start taxing big business again, tirfts and take a way big tax breaks for big business and maybe we can turn this around and make our life better again, but someone has to be brave enough to stand up and do it no matter the costs. and I don't think there is anyone that brave that is in office right now... maybe soon or it may be too late

I wish you well, and those in the red states of this nation, singing the blues makes people listen.

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